Painted up Old-School Korhil! – A Warhammer Miniature Showcase

I found it possible no other way around than to have Korhil leading my unit of old-school White Lions. This is how he turned out.

This was me when Fish-pups, also known as Brewlord Beardly-Burt, asked if I would like a collection of old High Elf models.


Such tragedy.

I think these once also belonged to a fellow who used to come a few times a year with his Lizardmen for some hammernanigans. (Read a BatRep HERE.)

Among the (really) old plastic Spearmen and Archers (who are now tempting me to fill up their number to a solid number of 20), there was Silver Helms and a few mounted characters were nine old (really old) metal White Lions. Long story short -I then picked up a matching Korhil. (Although I think the sculpt fits better with the later metal white lions, and incidentally, the newer Korhil fits better with the older white lions.)

Here’s how Korhil turned out (if you look at him in bad photos, for which I apologize).


I now have a few characters from the same Warhammer era, or edition, 5 Silver Helms, 10 Dragon Princes, 30+ Maiden Guard, an Eagle and a few Spearmen and Archers. The winning question is – how was an army built around these times? Internet does not help as it really was not a thing back then (I doubt many of you reading can imagine that anymore).

But maybe one or two of you can help me out? If so pop me a comment below!

Thanks for reading!

3 responses to “Painted up Old-School Korhil! – A Warhammer Miniature Showcase

  1. Cool! Tell you what mate, you should put that question to the Oldhammer facebook group – thete are plenty of wise and sage folks to help you out on there!

  2. Pingback: Pointy Ears and Pokey Spears – A Warhammer Fantasy High Elf Spearmen Showcase | Poison Tail's project work-things·

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